City Clerk Holly L. Wolcott
Office of the City Clerk

Biography of Holly L. Wolcott
Holly L. Wolcott is the City Clerk and has worked for the City of Los Angeles for almost 33 years. She lead the effort to develop the City Clerk’s first Strategic 5-Year Plan, supervises the City’s Municipal, Special, and Neighborhood Council elections, serves as clerk for all City Council proceedings, provides administrative, fiscal and personnel services to the Mayor and City Council, manages the City’s Business Improvement District (BID) program, administers the Neighborhood Council finances and maintains the City’s records management services and official archives.
Her prior City experience includes serving as a Legislative Analyst for the Office of the Chief Legislative Analyst on Public Safety policy matters, Budget Director for LAPD, Policy Director for the Department of Aging and as a budget and cost recovery analyst for the Fire Department.
She has two Bachelor of Arts degrees from UCLA; Sociology and Communications. Outside of work, she is active in theatre and loves dogs.
Priorities for the upcoming year:
Administer up to 99 Neighborhood Council (NC) Elections by mail in 2021
Continue to digitize records and historic films in the archives for online access
Provide online application access for special fund appropriations and online employee orientations
Transfer electronic access of Council records support to a new comprehensive Council Management System